Dish of the Day 4 - Members Collaboration(s) and Building of Capacity
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How we thrive: A celebration of APC members’ stories, practices and projects of solidarity, Best Futures Awards
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More highlights from dayDay 34 here!
Our last day of the member convening will start with the first of two plenaries from 6:30 to 8:00 UTC, and the second one from 15:00 to 16:30 UTC. They will both be spaces for us to share and reflect on member experiences that contributed to building solidarity and change and helped the network thrive, as well as to share a consolidated reflection on the three previous plenaries that explored the “Collective Future of the Network”.
The APC Member convening will close with our Best Futures Awards, which will be a concrete and playful way to name and recognise members’ ability to adapt and thrive. It is your last chance to nominate members for the four awards, don’t miss it!
We will have a few very inspiring sessions from 9:00 to 13:30 UTC organised by members Pollicy, Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET), TEDIC and Unwanted Witness.
And yes, PARTY time! We will have the party, which was co-planned with many of you, from 16:30 to 18:30 UTC in Ama Waterfall.
If you'd like to see an overview of the agenda for tomorrow in your own time zones, please go to the schedule here.
If you feel inspired and have some spare time, please send us what you have learned about caring for yourself and share care strategies within the network at
Almost there! Remember that if you were unable to attend the plenaries, we have set up a Mattermost channel that participants can join to participate asynchronously. Please feel welcome to add your thoughts and suggestions!
And that's it for now! Come back tomorrow for the last Dish of the Day to catch up on anything you may have missed from Day 5, the last day of our convening!